PE01550: Mental Health Act inquiry


Petitioner: Andrew Muir on behalf of Psychiatric Rights Scotland


Date Lodged: 31 January 2015

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to set up a public inquiry into historical cases of abuse of people detained under the Mental Health  (Scotland) Act 1984 and the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003

Petition History:


31 March 2015: The Committee took evidence from Andrew Muir. The Committee agreed to refer the petition, under Rule 15.6.2, to the Health and Sport Committee, to consider in the context of its scrutiny of the Mental Health (Scotland) Bill. In doing so, the Committee also agreed to write to the Scottish Government. Link to Official Report 31 March 2015

Link to Health and Sport Committee consideration of Mental Health (Scotland) Bill

12 May 2015: The Health and Sport Committee considered a petition by Andrew Muir, on behalf of Psychiatric Rights Scotland, calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to set up a public inquiry into historical cases of abuse of people detained under the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 and the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. The Committee agreed to consider the information contained in the petition and the Scottish Government’s response in the context of its scrutiny of the Mental Health (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2, following which the petition will be closed. Link to Official Report 12 May 2015

Written Submissions:

Many people have complained about their experiences of the Mental Health Act over many years but their complaints are nearly always ignored. 

I suffer from Clinical Depression and I feel that the Mental health services have failed me badly. I have nowhere to turn to and no answers to my questions. No one seems to understand the way I feel inside. Decisions are made without consulting me or giving me a choice. It is as if those in a position of authority appear to know what's best for me.I disagree very much.

John Duff

14:50 on 26 Jan 2015

The Human rights acts are being completely violated by this Tory Government and it would appear the SNP couldn't care less I know for a fact that people with mental illnesses from birth that are now middle aged are constantly being hounded to death under the Tories austerity measures they are sending these mentally ill people these W.&.P Medicals and of course failing them ALL They then have to appeal to a tribunal and win there case then after a few months the W &.P send for them to attend another medical then the back to the tribunals its back again just one big circle for these very poor vulnerable people?? But what most people don't know its completely illegal what this government is doing Under the Human rights acts it is illegal for any public body to "Persecute " an individual person. Its completely illegal to cause mental or physical Torture on a person. Its illegal to interfere with family life Its illegal to treat a person in a degrading humiliation manner My question is what is the S.H.R.C about this ANSWER NOTHING What is the SNP doing about this blatant human rights breaches ANSWER NOTHING What is the Mental welfare Commission doing ANSWER NOTHING I think they should all hold hands and together where busy doing nothing working the all day through


21:43 on 24 Jan 2015

If you Google my name, Judith Gilliland, and read my submission for the Petition submitted last year by Hunter Watson it will be clear why I support Andrew Muir's petition.

Judith Gilliland

17:00 on 20 Jan 2015

People with mental health problems, learning difficulties and disabilities are extremely vulnerable. Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

Beth Morrison

13:00 on 17 Jan 2015

Comments from various bodies on my son's treatment- 'Barbaric', 'Cruel', 'Nobody should have to suffer like this.' But he did.

Janette Robb

1:19 on 17 Jan 2015

It was I who submitted petition PE01494, a petition which called for Scottish mental health legislation to be amended in order to ensure that it is compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. Many supporters of my petition provided me with information which made it clear that they or a loved one (sometimes deceased) had been subjected to ill-treatment. An inquiry would be invaluable in that it would demonstrate that there are no effective safeguards within the 2003 Mental Health Act. This implies that it is essential that the Act be suitably amended so that it complies with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

William Hunter Watson

21:50 on 16 Jan 2015

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