PE01796: Equality, Inclusion and the Gaelic language

Culture Sport

Petitioner: Màrtainn Mac a' Bhàillidh on behalf of Misneachd


Date Lodged: 17 March 2020

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to review whether public bodies are complying with the Achd na Gàidhlig 2005 (Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005) to ensure that the Gaelic language, and therefore linguistic diversity, is fully recognised and promoted in Scotland.

Petition History:


26 August 2020: The Committee agreed to close the petition under Rule 15.7 of Standing Orders, on the basis that the Scottish Government have stated that public bodies are complying with the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act, that the process is under constant review and has recently been independently assessed. Official Report of Meeting 26 August 2020

26 Lùnastal 2020: Dh’aontaich a’ Chomataidh an athchuinge fo Riaghailt 15.7 de na Gnàth-riaghailtean seach gun tuirt Riaghaltas na h-Alba gu bheil buidhnean poblach a’ gèilleadh ri Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba), gu bheil am pròiseas fo ath-bhreithneachadh cunbhalach agus gun deach a mheasadh gu neo-eisimeileach o chionn ghoirid. Ceangal ris an Aithisg Oifigeil 26 Lùnastal 2020 

Written submissions

PE1796/A: Scottish Government submission of 14 July 2020 (74KB pdf)



1. A bheil thu a’ smaoineachadh gum bi buidhnean poblach ag aithneachadh nan dleastanasan reachdail aca gu h-iomlan gus dèanamh cinnteach gun tèid a’ Ghàidhlig, agus mar sin, iomadachd cànanach, a làn aithneachadh agus a bhrosnachadh ann an Alba?

2. A bheil thu a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil am Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig 2018-2023 a’ coileanadh nan amasan aige, (is e sin gus barrachd dhaoine a bhrosnachadh gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh nas trice agus ann am barrachd shuideachaidhean agus gus seo a chur an comas?) (Tha inbhe reachdail aig a’ Phlana seo a chionn ’s gun deach a dheasachadh mar thoradh air Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005).

1. Do you think public bodies fully recognise their statutory duties to ensure that the Gaelic language, and therefore linguistic diversity, is fully recognised and promoted in Scotland?

2. Do you think the Gaelic Language Plan 2018-2023 is achieving its aims, (which is to encourage and enable more people to use Gaelic more often and in a wider range of situations)? (This Plan has legal status because it has been made as a result of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005.)


I would like to see Gaelic first then English second on place names. This helped myself in the Republic of Ireland with Irish history.

Paul Bell

18:36 on 21 Feb 2020

Public bodies, I would hope, have more sense than to pay more than lip service to this nonsense. There are (obviously) far more important things to do. Linguistic diversity? Wouldn't it be better to force Scots to speak (e.g.) Polish? (Of course, there is a hidden agenda in this most dishonest of Parliaments.)

Andrew Fraser

19:10 on 18 Feb 2020

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