Background Info

After a breakdown of a relationship children are usually used as tools in the relationship. I believe that a change in the order so that when it is granted and enforceable this would take the element of using children as tools against the other and would benefit the child as they would have routine and constant contact with both parents which has been proven to have beneficial impacts with children instead of feeling unwanted or unloved. I believe if an order is granted it should be enforceable so that children are not used as weapons and that the pursuer who has a legal order can access their child and bond with them as at the moment an order cannot be enforced which leaves the process of court irrelevant and expense paid out worthless to the pursuer. Simply put if a court of the land gives an order the order should be followed and if it isn't then a change in the law would stop a return to courts meaning less court cases saving money to the pursuer and the public and most of all the child isn't punished due to the change which appears to be able to happen without recourse.

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