Background Info

Scotland could lead the UK in protecting the health of future generations by organizing an open, honest scientific/medical debate in Edinburgh relating to the true benefit/risk profile of HPV vaccines with representatives from both sides of the issue present. This type of debate has already taken place in Tokyo, Japan, in February 2014 and in Paris, France, in May 2014.

Scientists and medical professionals from various countries could be invited to Edinburgh to take part in this special event and Scotland could be seen as being open to this type of important discussion.

Since the introduction of HPV vaccines in the UK (September 2008), many UK girls have become seriously ill after being inoculated.  We feel that serious concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of Gardasil and Cervarix have not been addressed. Previous Health Ministers advised that these new medical conditions were simply a coincidence, underlying health condition, or related to their age.  Many health officials have tried to identify the problem as being “psychosomatic”.

Despite the fact that the majority of these girls were very healthy prior to vaccination, health department officials continue to claim “the benefits outweigh the risks.” We feel the cause of new health issues and the loss of education have not been significantly addressed to date.

We present the following information from countries where people are fighting to defend their children’s health and raise awareness of the dangers of HPV vaccines. Other countries are taking drastic actions after discovering the true impact of HPV vaccination programmes. We ask Scotland to do the same. Please see below:

Denmark - established special intake centres in each of their five healthcare regions to evaluate those suspected of having adverse reactions to Gardasil. Currently the rate of serious adverse reactions is estimated at 1/500. [1a, b, c]

Japan - June 2013, six short weeks after including HPV vaccines in their national immunization schedule, Japan suspended their recommendation for both Gardasil and Cervarix due to adverse reactions reported at a rate of between 1.7 and 3.6 times higher than the two other vaccines introduced at the same time. Subsequently, Japan sponsored an open discussion with scientific and medical experts from both sides of the HPV vaccine debate. As a result, their initial decision to rescind their recommendation for HPV vaccines stands. [1d]

France – April 2014, Michèle Rivasi, MEP, Green Party, called for a moratorium asking for EU member states to stop recommending this vaccine until more studies are conducted on Gardasil’s efficacy and risks. May 2014, Scientists and medical professionals from various countries around the world were invited to present their research on HPV vaccine safety in an open forum to members of the French Parliament and French National Health Authorities with journalists and television cameras present. As a result of having the opportunity to hear both sides of the vaccine debate, all legislators present issued a call for multiple actions to ensure the future health of their constituents.

September 2013, Judge Patrick Mairé handed down a decision that Gardasil was 50% responsible for the permanent injury of a French teenager.

Legal Cases Filed: Mr. Jean-Christophe Coubris, has filed at least 35 legal cases as of this date against both Laboratoire Sanofi Pasteur MSD and the French authority Agence Nationale du Medicament (ANSM), the French National Medicines Agency, for breach of their manifest duty to ensure safety and for disregard of the precautionary and prevention principles. One of these cases is a manslaughter charge. Attorney Camille Kouchner also filed a total of 14 cases.

The Institute for the Protection of Natural Health (IPSN) in conjunction with the French oncologist and surgeon Professor Henri Joyeux launched a French petition against the HPV Vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.

Spain – Attorney Don Manuel Sáez Ochoa filed a criminal complaint against Merck-Sanofi Pasteur Laboratories, Spanish National Health authorities, and the regional health authorities of the La Rioja province for injuries and disabilities suffered by an individual after the administration of Gardasil. In addition, AAVP (Association of Affected People by HPV Vaccine), together with law firm Bufete Almodóvar & Jara, filed the first of a long series of lawsuits for damages caused by HPV vaccines, one of which involves a death.

Colombia - After the administration of the second dose of Gardasil to girls in local schools in Carmen de Bolivar, in March 2014, hundreds of young girls were admitted to hospitals with mysterious new medical conditions. Inspector General Alejandro Ordonez issued a circular to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the National Institute of Health and several other organisations asking that priority be given to ensuring the right to health of those with new medical conditions after Gardasil. Magistrates in Colombia have assigned guardians to multiple HPV vaccine injured girls along with orders to the Secretary of Health in the municipality of Carmen de Bolivar and the Ministry of Health to organise all actions necessary to effectively dispense to the child plaintiffs treatments integral to those who are disabled guaranteeing the supply of medicines, procedures and services, including any and all required treatments regardless of whether or not the costs incurred are covered by the patient’s current health insurance program or Public Health Plan.






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